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…because we all have the capacity to thrive and grow in resilience.

Many thanks.

Fellow resilience journey friend,

Samuel Lock

Saturday 17 September 2011

Stewardship Multiplies Resilience

Time - stewardship makes greater difference than talent
Photo: www.studentvillage.co.za

How does stewardship create a multiplier effect on resilience and fruitfulness?

Time, Relationships and Money

Stewardship in 3 areas will make an abundant difference to build reserves and enable us to bounce back from challenges and adversity - like an evergreen tree planted by the riverside, laden with fruits all year round.  

Time as Asset

Time is a valuable asset that is often underrated. Yet, so important as a core element in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. So profound that no one has adequately defined it. Time has a powerful cumulative multiplier effect, creating value or liabilities depending on our choices. If we invest time to build new knowledge, skills, networks and goodwill, we will have plenty to fall back on when pressing situations come. Borrowing the analogy from the theory of relativity, time will “travel” more slowly when we can do things better and faster. Hence we have more freedom to enjoy leisure with family and friends.  

Surpassing Talent
Initial advantage from talent
but does not determine final outcome
Pix: http://shortstory.com 

What are the three most important things you would like to have done at the end of your life? How have your days been invested on these goals? Well directed use of time surpasses poorly used talent just as the proverbial hare saw a shock defeat by his tortoise rival. 

Genius of Generous Time

George Washington Carver dedicated his time to research and discover more than 300 uses for the peanut and many other crops to help his fellowmen diversify crop farming, recover from cotton crop failure and to tide over the Great Depression of 1929. Multitudes were impoverished by the dire agricultural and economic collapse. Carver, however, became very rich despite freely sharing his knowledge and turning down today’s equivalent of a million dollar salary. Why? He wanted freedom to help his fellowman and to create new value as he saw fit.  

Vision and Risks

Have a vision, determine to make your life significant at work, home and community. A man skilled in his work shall stand before state leaders and kings. Consistently invest time to realize that vision. Influence, esteem and elevation will come.

 There’s a saying: “You never know how far you can go till you risk going too far”. Those who allow negative self-talk to dominate in their heads never realize their destinies because myopia clouds opportunities.

Mental rehearsals give added precision
and confidence to the surgeon's hands
Photo: Asian Institute of Medical Sciences

Mental Surgery

Visualize yourself realizing dreams, picture the steps you would take. Renowned surgeons do round after round of “mental surgery” to prepare for complicated procedures.  They anticipate details and complexities, practicing critical scalpel strokes, visualizing success. That is how they reach and stay at the top. Executing delicate moves under great pressure, life and death at their fingertips for hours on end, a deep sense of satisfaction surges through sweaty brows with each successful operation. That is how and why they keep coming back for more duress-success stories.  

Enjoy and be Transformed!

The truth is that you cannot afford to keep doing things you do not enjoy. It soon becomes drudgery, which saps your energy, creativity and productivity. Take breaks from your normal routine, do something creative, different or crazy, something you want rather than have to do. Do this regularly and the mind becomes more active and innovative! People will notice a happier you. Keep at it and the positive gradient of life steepens. Turnarounds do happen, not just for the fortunate few but for ALL good stewards of time. 
Little celebrations uplift us

Spend time to celebrate little achievements and victories, or simply the presence of friends and loved ones. Celebrations recharge and refresh and renew even if it is just nice words over a cup of coffee.

Time has the capacity to catalyze transformation.

When that happens, breakthroughs are at hand!

Join us next for next week’s post on Relationships for Resilience 

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